Sunday, October 01, 2006

Questions for Aircraft Maintenance Officers

Cadets interested in Aircraft MX: post questions that you would like to be seen made into threads for Aircraft Maintenance Officers to answer here.


Bridger said...

When do I find out what base I will be stationed at? Once I am there, how does maintenance school work and how long does it take? Once my three year OPEX is up, how do I transition into Aquisitions?

Jen Griswold and Janet Davison said...

If you doing a mx assignment before transitioning to acquisitions, you begin just like you would a regular mx officer. YOu'd attend AMOC at Sheppard AFB, TX to learn the basics about how to be a mx officer. It is usually around 4 months long. Then you'd PCS to your base and get started as a mx officer. You should know your base before going to AMOC (and may even PCS before you attend AMOC). As far as the transition to acquisitions goes, I'm guessing that you PCS and start the same process for the acquisitions world. Go to school, and return to start work at your new base. You may want to ask your question on the acquisition page as well...

Bridger said...

As far as the average day goes, is there time to get personal work-outs and stuff like that in? I hear the days are long, so what do they consist of?

Unknown said...

Bridger - check out the comments under "A day in a life"...let us know if that doesn't answer your question & we'll give you more specifics.